1. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. NhaTrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate FCS-Hf and preparations of fucan sulfates Hf-Fuc1 and Hf-Fuc2 were isolated from the Vietnamese sea cucumber Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea. Separation of the polysaccharides was carried out using anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel. The structure of polysaccharides was established by determinations of the content of monosaccharides and sulfate, as well as by NMR spectra. It was shown that FCS-Hf was built of the repeating trisaccharide fragments, with alternating 3‑linked N-acetyl-β-D-galactosamine and 4-linked β-D-glucuronic acid residues forming the main polymer chain, which carries α-L-fucose residues as side branches attached to O3 of glucuronic acid. The regular structure of polymer is masked by an uneven distribution of sulfate groups attached to fucose residues (2,4-disulfate, 3,4-disulfate and 4-monosulfate in a ratio of 2 : 2 : 1) and galactosamine residues (4,6-disulfate and 4-monosulfate in a ratio of 3 : 1). It was also shown that fucan sulfate Hf-Fuc1 contained predominantly linear molecules built of 4-linked α-L-fucose 3-sulfate residues, while Hf-Fuc2 appeared to be a mixture of several related linear and branched fucan sulfates containing 3-linked and 4-linked α-L-Fuc residues sulfated at different positions.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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