1. Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus
The internal demagnetization coefficient Ni occurs in ferromagnetic material due to mechanical stresses and inhomogeneity in its structure and reliably characterizes its changes. But to determine Ni, a cycle of numerous magnetic effects on the material and precision measurements of its magnetization is carried out to construct a anhysteretic magnetization curve. This complicates and reduces the accuracy of Ni determination. In the article, to simplify the determination of the anhysteretic magnetization curve of a material and its Ni on the basis of reliable physical assumptions, mathematically precise formulas are developed using the results of measurements of its technical saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercive force, which can be measured by standard techniques with minimum errors. They are used to analyze the effect of tempering temperature and hardness HRC of steel 30 on its Ni.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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