2. OMICON Technologies LLC
The behavior of the construction under the influence of external factors is determined by three key groups of parameters of the metal composition (chemical, structural and deformation). Obtaining information about these parameters directly on the construction will effectively solve the problem of assessing its actual technical condition. The problem of non-destructive evaluation of the chemical composition of a metal is solved using portable spectrometers. The MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex has been developed to evaluate the other two groups of parameters. It has two functional blocks. The surface preparation unit ensures that the surface of the construction site has a roughness, flatness and level of applied mechanical hardening corresponding to the laboratory preparation of metallographic grinds. The research unit is a platform on which a metallographic microscope and a portable microhardness tester are installed. It allows metallographic researches with magnification up to x1000, surface microindentation, measurement of microhardness values at load of 0—200 gs and optical study of the morphology of imprints in any spatial position. The reliability of the data obtained by the MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex has been confirmed during comparative tests with stationary equipment. With the help of the developed device, an assessment of the structure parameters, contamination of metal with non-metallic inclusions, assessment of the degree of hardening and embrittlement of metal, detection of aging processes can be performed. The use of the MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex for operational non-destructive evaluation of structural and deformation parameters of metal constructions will allow us to reach a qualitatively different level of efficiency in performing production and input control of manufactured products, assessing the maintainability of defects, planning repairs and other compensating measures, and industrial safety expertise.
The Russian Academy of Sciences