Reduced Sulfur Compounds in Bottom Sediments of Lakes at Different Stages of Separation from Kandalakshskiy Bay of the White Sea (Meromictic Lake Trekhtzvetnoe)


Losyuk G. N.1,Kokryatskaya N. M.1,Vakhrameyeva E. A.1,Aliev R. A.2


1. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”


The paper presents the results of studying the bottom sediments of the lake Trekhtsvetnoe, which is situated at the meromictic stage of separation from the White Sea (Kandalaksha Bay). The geochemical parameters of the process of bacterial sulfate reduction are considered – the formation and accumulation of various forms of reduced sulfur in relation to the content of organic matter and reactive iron in sediments. A significant level of content of reduced sulfur compounds (up to 1.467%) and their distribution in the sediments of the lake. Tricolor, due to a fairly active process of sulfate reduction. The activity of the recovery processes is ensured by the entry of labile organic matter into the sediments, which is formed due to intensively developing microbial communities in the chemocline zone and in the lake water column.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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