Seiche Currents of the Azov Sea Based on the Field Observations


Matishov G. G.12,Grigorenko K. S.2


1. Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Kola Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents the results of autumn-winter surveys of the thermohaline structure and currents of the Tag-anrog Bay of the Azov Sea in 2021. The seiche periods of the sea proper are estimated from the results of spectral analysis of data from Temryuk level detectors. A comparison was made with the spectra of level fluctuations in Yeisk and Donskoy. The conclusion is made about the predominance of cyclically repeating seiche currents over wind currents. The eigen resonance mode (uninodal seiche) in the eastern part of the Taganrog Bay has a period of 12 h, in the central and western parts - 24 h, in the Azov Sea proper - 38 h. Estimates are confirmed analytically, by current measurements and by level detectors. In practice, this means that with the strongest positive and negative water setups in 12-24 hours, with a constant wind, the direction of the current will change to the opposite. The described nature of the circulation, on the one hand, distinguishes the Azov Sea from other similar water bodies, on the other hand, it makes it possible to reveal the energy potential of the basin in an unusual way.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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