Verification of the Daily Periodicity of Microincrements Formation on the Otoliths of the Juvenilrs of the Ocellated Blenny <i>Opisthocentrus ocellatus</i> (Stichaeidae) for a Retrospective Evaluation of the Period of Mass Hatching under the Conditions of Peter the Great Bay of the Japan Sea


Shelekhov V. A.1


1. A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


Experiments were carried out on intravital otolith-tagging of juveniles of the ocellated blenny after transition to benthic life mode with Alizarin Red S. Marking at a dye concentration of 200 mg/L for 16–18 h at night, gave 100% formation of fluorescent marks with zero mortality of experimental individuals. Alizarin marks on the otoliths correspond to “stress” marks in the form of darker micro-increments, visible in transmitted light. The calculation of microincrements in the zone between two consecutive markings with an interval of 9 days confirmed the daily periodicity of their laying at this stage of development of the ocellated blenny. This allowed us to determine the period of hatching in natural conditions of juveniles in the Zhitkov Bay (Russky Island, the Peter the Great Bay, Japan sea). Hatching of larvae in 2017 in this species occurred, according to our estimates, from the last decade of March to the end of the second decade of April, with a peak in the first decade of April. Hatching begins even under the ice at a slightly negative water temperature of –1–0°C, but it proceeds mainly already at a temperature of 1–3°C, after the removal of ice from the bay. Taking into account the known timing of spawning of the ocellated blenny in the Peter the Great Bay (November–early December), we can state that the development of its eggs in this area is greatly slowed down at water temperatures below zero in December–March and can go on for 4–5 months, which is almost 3 times longer than the development time in more mild conditions of the south Hokkaido.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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