Concentration and Fluorescence of Chlorophyl a in the Atlantic Sector of Antarctic


Moiseeva N. А.1,Churilova T. Ya.1,Efimova Т. V.1,Skorokhod Е. Yu.1,Artemiev V. A.2,Iushmanova A. V.2


1. A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS

2. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences


The studies were carried out in cruise 79 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. The variability of the chlorophyll a specific light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton and the coefficient of correlation between the fluorescence intensity and chlorophyll a concentration at various optical depths under basic lighting conditions and after dark adaptation was studied. It is shown that in the absence of water stratification, there is no vertical variability in the chlorophyll a specific light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton. It was found that when measuring the intensity of chlorophyll a fluorescence with a submersible sensor, without preliminary dark adaptation, a decrease in the fluorescence intensity signal in the upper layer of water is observed, which is associated with the effect of illumination on the fluorescence quantum yield.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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