X-Ray Diffraction Study of Lipid Films with ICHPHAN


Krivandin A. V1,Goloschapov A. N1


1. N.M.Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences


The X-ray diffraction technique was used to study oriented films prepared from chloroform solutions of egg phosphatidylcholine, synthetic hybrid antioxidant ICHPHAN-10-C-10 and their mixtures containing 12.5 wt % and 32 wt % ICHPHAN. The air-dry films prepared from phosphatidylcholine and ICHPHAN were multiphase and in addition to non-bilayer lipid phases, they contained a crystalline phase of ICHPHAN. Increasing a degree of hydration of such films contributed to the formation of one lamellar phase containing lipids and ICHPHAN. The formation and disappearance of ICHPHAN crystalline phase in the films upon alteration of their degree of hydration was reversible. Electron density profiles of lipid membranes calculated at ~1.2 nm resolution showed that membrane thickness and lipid hydrocarbon chain ordering decrease in presence of ICHPHAN. The results obtained demonstrate that ICHPHAN can incorporate from crystalline phase into lipid membranes at high concentration.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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