Biochemical and morphological blood parameters and the level of natural resistance of imported cows in Armenia


Muradyan A. M.1,Solovyova O. I.1,Ruzanova N. G.2,Aksenova O. N.3


1. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

2. Smolensk State Agrarian University

3. “YuzhUralPlemActiv” LLC


The article presents the results of a comparative study morphological and biochemical features of blood and indicators natural resistance of imported Holstein cows, Simmental and brown Swiss cows, in the conditions of the farm LLC “Agroholding Armenia” near the city of Spitak, mountainous area of the Republic Armenia. For the purpose of conducting the experiment, 3 groups of animals were formed I – Holstein, II – Simmental and III – brown Swiss, 15 heads each one. The groups were compiled using the method of analog groups. Conditions the contents and feeding were the same and in accordance with the accepted According to the technology, the cows had an average fatness. The results of our research have been confirmed, what are the fluctuations morphological and biochemical parameters of the blood of the bred farms of imported breeds have minor difference from existing physiological norms, but according to the content of cow globulin groups II and III were inferior to the norm, which may be due to pedigree features in the existing conditions of feeding and maintenance. Hematological date and indicators of natural resistance they testify to the best adaptive qualities and adaptive the possibilities of imported animals.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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