Technological methods for protecting apple trees from dominant lepidopteran pests


Egorov E. A.1,Podgornaya M. E.1,Prah S. V.1,Kiek A. I.1


1. North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making


The article presents a rationale for the biological effectiveness of protective measures for apple tree agrocenosis from dominant lepidopteran pests, which are based on the study of a single integral ecosystem of the garden. The patterns of development of fruit-damaging phytophages are presented, and an analysis of low-toxic means of protection is given according to the criteria of adaptability, biologization and rationality of environmental management. It was established that under conditions of increasing chemical and technogenic pressure on apple agrocenoses, under the influence of changing abiotic factors, the manifestation of high plasticity of lepidopteran pests was noted, which manifested itself in the rapid restoration of numbers during one growing season, the absence of a gap between generations; in the second half of the growing season there is a layering of summer of the first and second summer generations, the presence of all stages of pests simultaneously (codling moth and two-striped codling moth). An analysis of insecticides was carried out in order to identify effective drugs for use in adaptive systems for protecting apple tree plantings from lepidopteran pests based on the use of highly effective biorational, low-toxic chemical and biological drugs of a new generation, with updated technological characteristics: reducing pesticide pressure on the agrocenosis, obtaining high quality crops, stabilization phytosanitary situation. It has been established that the most effective and safe method against lepidopteran pests is chemoregulatory, which is based on the use of chitin synthesis inhibitors; they account for 80% of the total number of drugs with this mechanism of action. The effectiveness of such insecticides against codling moth and double-striped codling moth is 90–98%.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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