1. Volga Region Scientific Research Institute of Meat-and-Milk Production and Processing
2. Volgograd State Technical University
The production of high-quality dairy products is largely influenced by proper provision of optimal conditions for keeping animals. Properly selected conditions for keeping a dairy herd directly affect the strengthening of immunity, productivity and quality of dairy products. The article provides information about pasture and stall conditions for keeping animals with the advantages of pasture keeping in terms of milk productivity and the quality of raw milk. The features of both content systems are briefly summarized. Pasture is most often used in regions with an acceptable climate; stall – mainly in regions with developed agriculture and with limited opportunities for walking livestock on natural pastures. The results of studies of quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as the nutritional value of milk obtained from Holstein cows kept under pasture and stall systems in two farms in the Volgograd region are presented. From the resulting raw milk, a brief technology for producing samples of a fermented milk product – kefir with lactulose – is shown. Kefir was produced using traditional technology, using a starter culture of kefir grains. The prebiotic carbohydrate lactulose, which has a proven preventive effect, was chosen as an enriching component. Organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological parameters, as well as amino acid composition, were studied in samples of the finished product. The results obtained indicate high levels of nutritional and biological value of raw milk and fermented milk products made from it.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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