
Safonov A. I.1,Alemasova A. S.1,Zinicovscaia I. I.2,Vergel K. N.2,Yushin N. S.2,Kravtsova A. V.2,Chaligava O.2


1. Donetsk State University

2. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


The territory of modern central Donbass is considered as an experimental site for the implementation of an ingredient biomonitoring program. Bryophytes were transplanted and exposed in the geolocalities of the direct impact of enterprises of coal mining and processing complexes, metallurgical and chemical industries, ruderal and residential ecotopes. For bryobionts with a wide amplitude of resistance to technogenic pollution (Amblystegium subtile (Hedw.) Schimp., Brachythecium campestre (Müll.Hal.) Bruch et al., Bryum argenteum Hedw., Bryum caespiticium Hedw., Bryum capillare Hedw., Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid and Pylaisia polyantha (Hedw.) Schimp.) the following criteria of anthropotolerance were selected: 1) elements accumulation function, 2) the ability to accumulate specific pollutants, 3) structural and functional reactions and manifestation of atypical morphogenesis (teratogenesis) of plant organisms and 4) shifts in the characteristics of the survival strategy of species in the conditions of deep transformation of the landscape systems of Donbass. Specificity of accumulation of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cd, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Hg, Pb, Th, U in samples of indicator plants used as seasonal phytotest monitors to assess pollution of natural environments have been defined. With a radical violation of geochemical cycles in plant life support systems, cases of specific chlorosis and necrosis of point localization, hypo- and hypergenesis and deformation, as well as fasciation, prolification, dystopia, oligomerization of vegetative organs, features of the development of individual groups of cells in the integumentary and conformational tissues of the leaf apparatus of bryobionts have been recorded. The revealed abnormalities are used as a phyto-indication characteristic when conducting an express analysis of the level of technogenic stress in field diagnostics. The coefficients of biological absorption and technogenic concentration of elements in biosubstrates were calculated when assessing the geochemical contrast of the environment. The difference in the accumulative capacity of bryobionts for individual elements or their associative groups in various ectopes is defined. The related morphogenetic heterogeneity of the structure and elemental composition of plants is an individual case of compliance with V.I. Vernadsky's ideas of the concentration, information and environment-forming functions of living matter.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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