Elemental Composition of the Lemnaceae Family in Urbanized Territories of the Russian Federation


Baranovskaya N. V.1,Baranovskaya A. Yu.1,Sudyko A. F.1


1. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


The paper presents the first ever data on the contents of 28 elements in aquatic plants of the duckweed family (Lemnaceae) in the territory of 65 population centers of the Russian Federation. Data are presented on the elemental composition of duckweed in the urbanized regions of Russia and on the spatial distribution of the studied elements and their calculated concentration coefficients relative to the estimated mean values in the macrophytes. The elemental composition of duckweed is shown to provide significant information about the current ecological and geochemical situation in the study area and can serve as an unbiased indicator of the impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on the environment.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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