
Evstafeva E. V.1,Yaseneva E. V.2,Bogdanovа A. M.3,Makarova A. S.4,Zalatа O. A.3,Tymchenko S. L.3,Моskovchuk O. B.3,Slusarenko A. E.3,Еvstafevа I. A.3,Boyarincevа Yu. A.3,Zinchenko S. A.3


1. Academic Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation named after I.M. Sechenov

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol

3. V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

4. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia


The article offers a justification for the biogeochemical approach used to analyze the interaction in the system "society-nature" under conditions of anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere, with public health as one of its key indicators. It describes the basic principles and tasks of multilevel medico-ecological monitoring, which allows moving forward from a qualitative population health assessment and investigation of the ecological situation towards the quantitative determination of the ecological health risks and regional standards for technogenic factors, assuming the modifications due to the biogeochemical conditions of the environment. The results of verification of the monitoring methods are presented at the regional (Republic of Crimea), subregional (Sevastopol, Simferopol), and local (individual cohorts of the urban population) levels.The official statistics provided by the departments though being less efficient for the research at the regional level still allow identifying the territories with some significant inequalities in the environmental health risk. Sub-regional (within settlements) biomonitoring studies in Sevastopol and Simferopol revealed spatial heterogeneity and loci with higher content of some heavy metals and other chemical elements in the environment and biosubstrates (soil, plants). Cohort studies of residents where 29 chemical elements’ content was determined in human organism followed by the examination of the functional state of target systems in people from risk groups. Results of the correlation and regression analysis allowed us to estimate the physiological significance of given elements, as well as the effects of their complex influence at background exposure.6. Keywords: biogeochemical basis of rationing, medical and ecological monitoring, trace elements, xenobiotics, public health, modeling


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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