Political mentality and mental traps of political communication


Pushkareva Galina V.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Political mentality is considered a kind of mental activity that provides an understanding of political reality, determines the content of observed political events and the meaning of the actions of their participants. It is shown how mental activity of a person is organized, helping to navigate in the political space. Attention is drawn to the fact that perception is subject to the “rut law” concept based on mental traps that capture the mind, which form judgments about a political phenomenon and subordinate it to its own logic. The nature of mental traps is revealed and their types are characterized. The heterogeneity of the political and cultural environment contributes to the emergence of political mentalities that differ in their content, as well as in interpreting political processes and phenomena. Political polymentality can become a serious problem for society. It leads to the emergence of groups that have different perceptions of the unfolding political processes, interpretations of the content of ongoing events, and evaluation of the actions of the authorities.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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