Peculiarities of the Behavior of Point Defects under the Optoplastic Effect in Copper


Malinskii T. V.1,Rogalin V. E.1,Shur V. Ya.2,Kuznetsov D. K.2


1. Institute of Problems of Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University


The authors previously discovered a new optoplastic effect and observed it under the action of a nanosecond UV laser pulse irradiation of subcritical intensity. In this paper it is shown that under this effect no microporesarise in the subsurface layer of metal. This proves the statement that swelling of metal under laser impactof moderate (subcritical) intensity occurs due to interstitial atoms migrating to the surface and not due to melting with formation of bubbles. At a abrupt cooling (for ~20 μs) interstitial atoms migrate to the surfaceby the Schottky mechanism due to abnormal mass transfer and the less mobile vacancies have no time tocoagulate with formation of micropores in the time of the process.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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