Structure of a Cast Al2Au Intermetallic Compound with an Additive of Cu


Volkova E. G.1,Antonov B. D.2,Zavalishin V. A.1,Knyazev Yu. V.1,Gavrilova A. A.13,Volkov A. Yu.1


1. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. The Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Ural Federal University


To produce an Al2Au+Cu ingot, a mixture of Al2Au and copper intermetallic powders was compacted and then melted in an argon atmosphere. The study of the ingot structure revealed the formation of brightly colored regions of the intermetallic phase Al2Au, which are located in a matrix of intermetallic AlAu. Thin veins enriched with copper were found inside the AlAu matrix. The optical characteristics of the resulting triple compound were measured. Microindentation of intermetallic phases was carried out, the values of their microhardness and contact modulus of elasticity were determined


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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