1. Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Al-40Sn alloy was synthesized by selective laser melting (SLM) of a mixture of elemental powders. In the structure of the alloy, traces of a semi-elliptical melt are observed, the boundaries of the melt regions are decorated with pores and inclusions of tin. The internal structure of melt traces consists of finely crystalline regions with identically oriented columnar Al crystals separated by thin layers of tin. With an increase in laser power, the rate of crystallization of the melt decreases, and the cells of aluminum crystals increase, and with them the thickness of the tin interlayers separating them also increases. The porosity of the alloy decreases slowly with increasing power, and to minimize it, a change in the parameters of the SLM process is required.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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