Perspectives of using Artemia salina Leach (Crustacea, Anostraca) cysts for the rearing of a predatory bug Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae)


Pazyuk I. M1,Reznik S. Ya.12


1. All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

2. Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Predatory bug Orius laevigatus is a promising agent for biological control of aphids, thrips, white ies, spider mites, and other pests of vegetables and berries. Its application in greenhouses is limited by high rearing cost which is particularly determined by using of such an expensive food as eggs of the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella and other moths. Laboratory experiments showed that O. laevigatus nymphs and adults can feed on much cheaper cysts of a brine shrimp, Artemia salina . Nymph survival and female fecundity with the alternation of feeding with A. salina cysts and S. cerealella eggs were less than 20% lower than those with feeding on the grain moth eggs. Considering much more substantial (10-15 times) di erence in the cost of these foods we conclude that alternation of A. salina cysts and S. cerealella eggs is promising to increase the economic feasibility of O. laevigatus use for biological control of pests in greenhouses.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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