Current Knowledge of Objects Approaching the Earth


Kokhirova G. I.1,Babadzhanov P. B.1


1. Institute of Astrophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan


Modern ideas about objects approaching the Earth are discussed. This population includes near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), including potentially hazardous asteroids, short-period comets, meteoroid streams, and large sporadic meteoroids. An overview is given of the currently available information on the dynamic and physical properties of NEAs and comets. Almost 5% of the currently known NEAs are extinct cometary nuclei or their fragments. Being outwardly similar with true asteroids, they differ markedly in their dynamic and physical properties. In order to distinguish between these groups of objects, it is necessary to study both their dynamic and physical parameters. Some of the known meteoroid streams are shown to contain, along with the countless small meteoroids, also large extinct fragments of cometary nuclei, which are classified as NEAs. A meteoroid stream and such bodies belonging to it form together an asteroid–meteoroid complex. Observational and theoretical data are presented to confirm the modern understanding of near-Earth objects.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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