O2 (а1Δg) Airglow at 1.27 μM and upper Mesosphere Dynamics on the Night Side of Venus


Shakun A. V.1,Zasova L. V.1,Gorinov D. A.1,Khatuntsev I. V.1,Ignatiev N. I.1,Patsaeva M. V.1,Turin A. V.1


1. Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


This research studies the O2 (a1 Δg) nightglow distribution in 1.27 μm to understand the dynamics of the atmosphere of Venus. Several factors were considered in the retrieval process, such as thermal emission of the lower atmosphere, reflection by the clouds. Results show deviation from SS-AS circulation mode: the area where horizontal flows from the dayside converge and where oxygen recombines and emits shifts from the midnight to 22–23 hours local time. This shift is caused by solar-induced thermal tide on Venus nightside. Some conclusions about the upper mesosphere dynamics are also presented.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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