Study of Small Bodies of the Solar System: Odyssey-Asteroids Project


Slyuta E. N.1,Shakhanov A. E.2,El’nikov R. V.3


1. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, Khimki, Moscow oblast, Russia

3. Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics, Moscow, Russia


The paper discusses priority scientific tasks related to the study of small bodies in the Solar System, identifies the most promising objects for investigation from a spacecraft on a flyby trajectory and the sample return mission, and develops proposals for the preliminary composition of scientific instruments for remote asteroid research methods. A long-term and phased Russian scientific program for studying small Solar System bodies using spacecraft with electric propulsion has been proposed. The project is designed in such a way as to explore the largest number of scientifically interesting asteroids using a smaller number of spacecraft. A design concept for a small spacecraft to investigate near-Earth asteroids on a flyby trajectory and a main spacecraft for studying metallic asteroids in the Main Belt and sample sample return has been developed. A ballistic analysis of the flyby of five near-Earth asteroids and three metallic asteroids in the Main Belt is presented, as well as a ballistic analysis of the sample return mission from a Main Belt asteroid. The option of sample return using the nuclear tug Zevs is also considered.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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