Jeans Gravitational Instability of a Rotating Collisionless Magnetized Plasma with Anisotropic Pressure


Kolesnichenko A. V.1


1. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The problem of self-gravitational instability of an astrophysical rotating plasma in a strong magnetic field with an anisotropic pressure tensor is studied on the basis of the Chew–Goldberger–Low (CGL) quasi-hydrodynamic equations modified by generalized polytropic laws. Using the general form of a dispersion relation obtained by the normal-mode perturbation method, a discussion is provided of the propagation of small-amplitude perturbation waves in an infinite homogeneous plasma medium for transverse, longitudinal, and oblique directions with respect to the magnetic field vector. It is shown that different polytropic indices and anisotropic pressures not only change the classical Jeans instability condition but also cause the appearance of new unstable regions. Modified Jeans instability criteria are obtained for isotropic MHD equations and anisotropic CGL equations owing to the influence of the polytropic indices on gravitational and firehose instabilities for astrophysical plasma. It is shown that in the case of a longitudinal mode of perturbation wave propagation, the Jeans instability criterion does not depend on uniform rotation. In the case of the transverse propagation regime, the presence of rotation reduces the critical wave number and exerts a stabilizing effect on the growth rate of the unstable regime.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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