The nature and types of pragmatic information about the word and its presentation in the explanatory dictionary


Kakorina Elena V.1


1. V.V. Vinogradov Institute for Russian language of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Modern lexicographers strive for the most complete and integral description of the language, taking into account the various (semantic, compatibility, pragmatic) characteristics of the word. The terms pragmatics, pragmatic information are ambiguous. They are understood both as information about the social and situational conditions of the use of a word in speech, information of a historical and cultural nature related to the life of a word in the usage of a particular era, and as a certain component of the meaning of a word. The article discusses ways of presenting pragmatic information when describing various categories of words in The Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Everyday Speech (EDRES). The problems of lexicographic reflection of various types of phenomena included in the sphere of pragmatics are posed. Using the example of TSRR, the possibilities of using various aspects of pragmatic information in the dictionary are demonstrated.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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