1. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation RAS
2. Geoelectromagnetic Research Centre, Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS
The spatial distribution of the lithospheric magnetic anomalies field obtained from the German Earth satellite CHAMP measurements for several years of its mission is investigated over the territory of the Indo-Asian collision, in particular, the Tarim region and the Western Himalayan Syntax (WHS). Maps of the total intensity Ta of the lithospheric magnetic field for these regions are give. The lithospheric magnetic anomalies field as a reflection of the consequences of the Indian lithospheric plate subduction under the Eurasian plate is discussed in the context of modern ideas about the regional geological and tectonic structure. The inversion of the magnetic anomalies sign over the northern part of the Indian Plate observed on Ta maps is supposed as a result of the lower crust heating due to mantle processes, the rise of the Curie isotherm and, as a consequence, the loss of the initial magnetization of the lower crust. In order to study in detail the WHS and surrounding territory, maps of the lithospheric magnetic anomalies field are constructed at the lowest level of CHAMP orbit which leads to increase their resolution by nearing to the field sources. The relationship of detected regional anomalies with tectonic processes in this seismically active area and with other available geophysical information is discussed. Interpretation of the revealed information shows that the images of lithospheric magnetic anomalies distinctly correlate with modern view at the large-scale geological and tectonic structures location.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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