Measurements of total ozone content in the 4.7 µm region with a medium-resolution FTIR spectrometer and comparison with satellite data


Visheratin K. N.1,Baranova E. L.1,Bugrim G. I.1,Krasnopeeva E. I.1,Ustinov V. P.1,Shilkin A. V.1


1. Research and Production Association Taifun


The total ozone content (TOC) measurements results by the ground-based MR-32 instrument in 2015–2022 at the Obninsk station (55.11N; 36.60E) are presented. Solar radiation was measured by the FTIR spectrometer of medium resolution of 0.12 cm−1. Based on the analysis of the absorption spectra the relevant spectral intervals in the region of 4.7 microns were determined. The SFIT4 program was applied to retrieve total ozone content. A comparison of the results of TOC measurements by the MR-32 instrument with satellite data of OMPS, OMI, and SBUV(MOD) showed good agreement. The correlation coefficients are 0.93–0.97. According to spectral and cross-correlation wavelet analysis, ground and satellite oscillations with periods from 4 to 60 months occur of almost synchronously. The systematic discrepancies between daily average ground-based and satellite TO measurements are (−0.8 ± 3.6)%, (−0.2 ± 3.7)% and (−2 ± 5)% for OMPS, OMI and SBUV(MOD), respectively.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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