1. Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Science of Belarus
On the basis of Earth remote sensing data for 2000–2020 quantitative estimates of the influence of vegetation cover degradation on the summer warming in Belarus were obtained. The average leaf area index of Belarus for this period increased by 3.3%, mainly due to forest areas the leaf index of which increased by about 8%. The growth of the leaf area index slowed down the summer warming of forest lands in the north (above 54° N) by about half and by more than a quarter in the south of Belarus. At the same time, the leaf area index of croplands decreased by about 5%, which caused their additional warming and amplified their land surface temperature daily cycle for summer time period. Statistically significant signs of bioclimatic land degradation have been found on the territory of Belarus with a total area of about 400 thousand hectares, which are enhanced by high values of positive feedback between temperature, vegetation cover and soil moisture. About of 58% of the degrading lands are agricultural lands located mainly in the southern part of the country. On these lands, summer temperature grows 2 times faster than the average for Belarus, and their leaf index decreases at a rate of about 2% per year, which indicates the insufficiency of agriculture climate mitigation in certain regions of Belarus.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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