Peculiarities of the Magnetic Field of Geothermal Systems of the Pauzhetsky Area (South Kamchatka)


Nuzhdaev I. A.1,Rychagov S. N.1,Feofilaktov S. O.1,Denisov D. K.1


1. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS


Based on many years of research, maps of magnetic field anomalies ΔTa for large geothermal systems of the Pauzhetsky region of South Kamchatka were constructed. Magnetic fields have both general characteristics and individual features for each research object. In the area of Nizhne-Koshelevsky steam-dominated geothermal field identified a system of linear negative magnetic field anomalies, confined to thermal controlling discontinuous tectonic disturbances. Pauzhetsky geothermal field is characterized by a heterogeneous structure of the anomalous magnetic field ΔTa: NW region is marked by a quiet weakly negative magnetic field, indicating the predominance in this part of the field lateral spreading of hydrotherms from the upper aquifer; SE – a large number of alternating magnetic anomalies of high intensity, confined to subvolcanic bodies of acidic to moderate composition. The South Kambalnaya group of thermal fields is characterized by a lower magnetic induction modulus T as compared to the Pauzhetsky and Lower Koshelevsky geothermal fields, indicating a more intense alteration of the Kambalnaya Ridge rocks by hydrothermal-metasomatic processes, apparently as a result of long-term exposure to convective heat flow.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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