Results of Long-Term Observations of the Electric Field of the Atmosphere During the Eruption of Volcano Ebeko in the Period 2018‒2020


Akbashev R. R.12,Makarov E. O.12


1. Kamchatka Branch, Federal Research Center “Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

2. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences


In order to study the processes of formation of Volume charges in the eruptive clouds of the eruptions of the Ebeko volcano in the period 2018‒2020, observations of the atmospheric electric potential gradient in the city of Severo-Kurilsk were carried out. 179 cases were recorded when the propagation of an eruptive cloud occurred in cloudless or low-cloud conditions and was accompanied by a response in variations of the atmospheric electric potential gradient. Four types of responses in variations of the potential gradient of the electric field of the atmosphere are revealed, it is shown that the type of recorded response is determined by the conditions of propagation of the eruptive cloud relative to the point of registration, and also determined by the relative location of the lower and upper regions of the eruptive cloud at the time of registration of the response. At the same time, the negative volume charge prevails in the eruptive cloud, which is localized in the upper region of the eruptive cloud, the positive volume charge is localized in the lower region. The data of field observations are consistent with the results of numerical modeling.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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