Petrophysical and Strength Properties of Extrusive Rocks of the Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka


Ladygin V. M.1,Girina O. A.2,Frolova Yu. V.1


1. Geology Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS


For the first time, the results of petrophysical studies of the Bezymianny volcano extrusive rocks from dacites to andesites are presented. A comparative characteristic of the extrusive rocks properties is given according to the selected age groups. The dynamics of changes in the properties of extrusion rocks depending on their age is shown: it is established that the older the rocks, the higher the indicators of their density, strength and elastic properties. The petrophysical features of the rocks of the extrusive domes and lava flows are compared. The applicability of petrophysical properties to clarify the genesis of rocks similar in petrographic characte-ristics, in particular, of extrusive and effusive origin, is substantiated.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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