Negative Anomalies in the Atmospheric Electric Field near the Earth's Surface in Seismically Active Regions


Rulenko O. P.1


1. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS


The paper examines poorly-studied negative bay-like anomalies in the near-earth atmospheric electric field in seismically active regions at fair weather suitable for atmospheric electric observations. Observation data analysis revealed characteristic features of anomalies formation that allow us to conclude that the anomalies are associated with the deformation of near-surface rocks at tectonoseismic process. On the basis of the concept of atmospheric electricity, the source of anomalies in the electric field is a local negative space charge of small ions in the near-earth air emerged at a negative vertical gradient of electrical conductivity. It was revealed that the charge and produced negative anomalies in the electric field have deformation and emanation processes in their origin. We propose a scheme of anomalies formation and consider the role of radon and thoron in their emergence. It was found that thoron plays a more important role in some cases.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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