The April 11, 2023 Catastrophic Explosive Eruption of Sheveluch Volcano (Kamchatka)


Zharinov N. A.1,Demyanchuk Yu. V.1


1. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents the data on the April 11, 2023 Sheveluch Volcano eruption. We conducted post-eruption impact assessment. The directed blast resulted in the collapse of the lava dome which had been forming for more than 42 years. The data obtained just before the eruption evidence that the total volume of the lava dome comprised about 0.53 km3. The volcanic explosion resulted in the formation of the field of pyroclastic deposits ~70 km2 in size and 0.49 km3 in volume. The directed blast was accompanied by the 25–30 km long pyroclastic flows and the ashfall more than 200 km away from the volcano. The weight of the ash deposits samples was ranging from 1.2 to 43.9 kg/m2, depending on the distance from the volcano. The area of ash deposits (ash samples of more than 50 g/m2 in weight) covered the area of 17000 m2 and comprised the volume of 0.09 km3. Taking into account the total volume of erupted products (0.6 km3), the April 11, 2023 Sheveluch Volcano eruption can be referred to the largest catastrophic eruption of this century.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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