1. Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of the Federal Scientific Research Centre
“Crystallography and photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences
We consider the use of a Cr3+:BeAl2O4 laser in free-running operating as a source of emission for optical pumping rubidium alkali metal vapors. The use of dispersive elements in the composition of the laser cavity makes it possible to smoothly tune lasing wavelength and to realize generation at wavelengths corresponding to the D1 and D2 lines of the 85Rb and 87Rb isotopes. Optical pumping of rubidium isotopes by laser emission with wavelengths of 795 and 780 nm, respectively, is experimentally implemented, and their fluorescence is demonstrated. The question of using a wavelength-tunable laser in the method of spin-exchange optical pumping of noble gases is discussed.
The Russian Academy of Sciences