1. Saint Petersburg State University
The article was written in memory of Boris Gerasimovich Ananiev. The purpose of the article is to sum up some of the results of the implementation of the ideas, research, initiatives of B.G. Ananiev by his students and followers in the research and educational activities of the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University over the past half century since his death. Here, at the university, the main events in the history of the St. Petersburg Psychological School of the second half of the 20th century took place, the famous complex studies of man took place, a psychological department was opened, later transformed into a faculty. The PURPOSE of this article is to understand the degree of development of ideas and concepts of B.G. Ananyev by those who worked and are working at the Faculty of Psychology in the post-Ananyev period and, in fact, more than others, should be the heirs and continuer of the ideas and deeds of the founder of the scientific school. B.G. Ananiev put forward several major scientific programs - on the psychology of mental processes, to the greatest extent - sensory, integrated into a holistic sensory-perceptual organization. The second program is the structure of a person as an individual, personality, subject and individuality. The third is all-age developmental psychology, acmeology. The fourth is pedagogical psychology as pedagogical anthropology. Ananiev's scientific heritage is far from being exhausted, but not all of his programs and ideas are continued and developed in the modern St. Petersburg school, in the post-Ananiev period. This conclusion was made on the basis of scientific publications, own observations, memoirs of contemporaries and opinions of scientists of different generations. The article is written in the genre of theoretical analysis of the history of the St. Petersburg psychological school in a certain chronotope of its existence.
The Russian Academy of Sciences