The Influence of Small F2, H2, and HF Additives on the Concentration of Active Particles in Tetrafluoromethane Plasma


Efremov A. M.12,Smirnov S. A.12,Betelin V. B.2


1. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

2. Federal State Institution “Federal Scientific Center Research Institute for System Research,” Russian Academy of Sciences


A comparative study of the effect of small (up to 20%) substituting additives F2, H2, and HF on the kinetics and stationary concentrations of neutral particles in 50% CF4 + 50% Ar plasma under the typical conditions of reactive ion etching (RIE) of silicon and its compounds is carried out. It is shown that the vari-ation of the CF4/F2 and CF4/H2 ratios leads to opposite, interrelated, and nonadditive changes in the con-centrations of fluorine atoms and fluorocarbon radicals. This provides wide ranges of regulation of the etch-ing rate and polymerization capacity with the minimal disturbance of the parameters of the electronic and ionic components of the plasma. In contrast, the CF4/HF relation has the minimal effect on the rate of sur-face polymerization, but noticeably changes the concentration of fluorine atoms. Thus, there is a selective effect on the rate of the heterogeneous chemical reaction.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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