On the usefulness of turning to the experience of the Warsaw Pact Organization


Trunov F. O.1


1. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS


At the beginning of the 2020s, the formation of a new world order became obvious. In parallel, there are two large-scale processes. One of them is a partial reformatting of connections within camps of Western democracies, the other is the emergence of a community of a number of states outside the West. The emergence of this commonality presupposes a noticeable increase in cooperation of the armed forces between interested players. Here it becomes necessary to use experience of functioning of specialized structures without the participation of Western countries. Studying the experience allows us to take into account a number of schemes that have proved their effectiveness and usefulness, primarily developed under the auspices of the Warsaw Pact Organization. Their wasps thinking is becoming especially in demand in the context of a noticeable tightening of the Western approach to contain opponents – Russia, China, Iran. The article points out the limited attention to the internal affairs of domestic historiography and political science, despite the obvious value of the experience of functioning of this organization. The author notes that a significant part of the gaps in the study of the strategy and practice of internal affairs can be filled by the fundamental work “Organization of the Warsaw Pact. 1955–1991. Story. Strategy. Policy”, prepared by a team of authors under the leadership of V.A. Zolotarev.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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