Comparative Analysis of Gas-Geochemical Data from Ground-Based and Satellite Observations of the Sakhalin Island and Its Shelf (Northeast Russia): Tectonic Consequences


Syrbu N. S.1,Kholmogorov A. O.1,Stepochkin I. E.1,Khazanova E. S.1


1. V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (POI FEB RAS)


The transitional zone of the marginal seas of the Asia‒Pacific region is a significant object for geological research, the large deposits of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, gas condensate, gas hydrates) have been discovered in the regions of the transition zone. The article gives an interpretation of the main gas-geochemical and geological-tectonic regularities of the occurrence and distribution of methane and carbon dioxide fields of different types on the shelf of Sakhalin Island. A study of the gas-geochemical parameters of the emitted gases in the “continent‒shelf” transit zone was carried out based on comparison of field studies and satellite observation data. The data of satellite observation of Sakhalin Island and its shelf are presented to identify the relationship between seismic events and changes in the level of methane concentration in the atmospheric air (in particular, on the example of the methane discharge regime of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky mud volcano). Remote sensing data are compared with the results of the field studies, and an assessment is made of the potential using satellite observation methods for studying the gas geochemical composition of the methane and carbon dioxide field. The results obtained can make it possible to refine the assessment of the emission of climatically active gases, and also bring the significant incentive to the development of the Russian Federation project “Far Eastern Marine Carbon Monitoring Plots Consortium”.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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