Features of Using the Lithogeochemical Indicators for the Reconstruction of Paleoclimate and Composition of Demolition Sources in the Late Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous West Siberian Sedimentary Basin


Eder V. G.1,Zamiralova A. G.2,Yan P. A.2


1. Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS


For the rocks of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Bazhenov formation, a significant positive linear dependence of the Th, Hf, Sc, La content on the Al2O3 content was revealed, and their terrigenous genesis was confirmed. It has been determined that the samples in which the distribution of the values of the Sc/Al2O3 and La/Al2O3 ratios does not satisfy the linear dependence are mixed clayey-siliceous rocks with a P2O5 content 1 mas. % or substantially pyritized (in which the content of pyrite exceeds the content of S and C/S ≤ 1), as well as siliceous mudstones with a SiO2 content 70 mas. % by weight. It is concluded that before analyzing geochemical indicators for reconstructing the conditions of formation of the Bazhenov formation, in addition to carbonated rocks, rocks of the above types, as well as rocks that have undergone late diagenetic kaolinization, should be excluded from the analysis. The conditions of formation of the studied deposits were reconstructed based on the analysis of the values of a number of geochemical modules and indicators. As a result of the study of CIA, CIW variations, it was confirmed that the climate in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous period in the West Siberian sedimentary basin was warm, semiarid. It was revealed that during the entire period under review, it did not change significantly. For the deposits of the Bazhenov formation, a number of indicators such as (La/Yb)N, Eu/Eu*, as well as the distribution of trace element content values on the triangular diagram Th‒La‒Sc, suggest that in the central and southeastern regions of the formation distribution area, the sources of demolition of the mafic composition prevailed.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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