Soil Formation Features in Drained Lake Basins of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra


Kaverin D. A.1,Deneva S. V.1,Pastukhov A. V.1,Yаkubenko S. V.2


1. Institute of Biology Komi SC RAS

2. Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin


The features of the structure, properties, and temperature regimes of soils functioning in two different drained lake basins of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra are characterized. The basins differ significantly in the features of landscape development, the composition of bottom (soil-forming) sediments, and the patterns of the soil and vegetation cover. In a naturally drained basin composed of mineral (sandy and clayey) bottom sediments, soils belonging to the departments Gley, and Poorly developed are formed, which are typical for the watershed landscapes of the region. Soils function as ecosystem-modified permafrost-affected profiles, partially protected from thaw. The soil profile is acidic, not saturated with bases, with moderate carbon content in the mineral horizons. In the artificially drained basin, covered with a layer of silted peat, predominantly peaty permafrost-affected soils were formed, including peat soils of tundra meadows, which are unique for the landscapes of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. Peaty soils of the basin appear to be as ecosystem-protected, i.e. protected from thawing, and they are characterized by high ash content and slightly acidic reaction. A significant differentiation of the studied soil parameters are determined by different basins, which are different according to the composition of parent sediments, the specifics of landscape development, and manifestations of present-day cryogenic processes.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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