Microbiome of Soils and Supraglacial Objects in Background and Oil Polluted Ecosystems Hayes Island (Franz Joseph Land Archipelago)


Nikitin D. A.12ORCID,Manucharova N. A.3,Dobryansky A. S.2


1. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University

3. Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Using luminescent microscopy and real-time PCR, the microbiome of soils and supraglacial objects in the background and oil-contaminated ecosystems of the island was studied Hayes Island, part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. Biomass of microorganisms ranged from 81 to 666 µg/g of substrate; most of it (up to 88%) is represented by fungi. Length of fungal mycelium reached more than 360 m/g of substrate. The number of prokaryotes varied from 4.0 × 107 to 3.75 × 10⁹ cells/g of substrate; the length of actinomycete hyphae reached 40 m/g of substrate. Up to 78% of the detected prokaryotic cells are represented by small nanoforms, which is typical for extreme ecosystems. Share of viable cells of microorganisms is maximum (74–86%) for surface organogenic horizons and minimum (29–54%) for mineral suprapermafrost layers. Prokaryotic complex was dominated by bacteria (from 5.14×105 to 5.05 × 10¹⁰ 16S rRNA copies/g of soil), but not by archaea, from 8.46 × 10⁵ to 2.28 × 10⁹ 16S rRNA copies/g of substrate. Amount of FJL fungal genetic material ranged from 6.47 × 10⁴ to 8.67 × 10¹⁰ ITS rRNA copies/g soil. Number of copies of the alkB gene (synthesis of alkane monooxygenase for the destruction of hydrocarbon n-alkanes) varied from 1.2 × 10¹ to 1.8 × 10⁵/g of substrate and sharply decreased from the surface horizons to the deep ones. Oil-contaminated soils and supraglacial objects contained a smaller biomass, however, a greater number of ribosomal genes of microorganisms compared to the background ecosystems. An exponential decrease in the analyzed quantitative parameters of microorganisms from surface to deep soil horizons was registered.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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