Soil of the Ray-Iz Mountain Ridge (Polar Urals)


Zhangurov E. V.1,Korolev M. A.1,Dubrovskiy Yu. A.1,Shamrikova E. V.1


1. Institute of Biology, Komi Science Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Based on the profile-genetic approach, we made the diagnosis and the classification position of previously little-studied soils of larch woodlands, mountain tundras and a belt of cold glacial deserts of the Polar Urals, formed in different landscape-geomorphological conditions. We studied morphological, physico-chemical and chemical characteristics of the soil profiles formed on rocks of basic and ultrabasic composition. We revealed that the main background of the soil cover under the larch forests are sub-burs (podzolic and illuvial-humus). Both soils are Entic Podzol (Skeletic) according to WRB-2015. In the mountain tundras, gleyzems of humus oxidized gley or Reductaquic Gleysol (Thixotropic) and gray-humus soils or Skeletic Phaeozem are formed. In the extreme soil formation conditions of the cold glacial desert belt (900–1033 m a.s.l.), different subtypes of gleyzems (Reductaquic Gleysol and Turbic Gleysol (Abruptic) occupy local areas. We also found that the surface, predominantly ground-depositional input of plant litter and its slow mineralisation resulted in coarse-humus and peaty upper horizons with a wide C/N molecular ratio.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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