Biocontrol Potential of Novel Borrelidin-Producing <i>Streptomyces rochei</i> 3IZ-6 Isolated from Izraeli Soil


Shirokikh I. G.1,Osterman I. A.23,Lukianov D. A.23,Marina V. I.23,Biryukov M. V.2,Belozerova O. A.4,Guglya E. B.45,Shirokikh A. A.1,Nazarova Ya. I.1,Bokov N. A.1,Zakalyukina Yu. V.2


1. Rudnitsky Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University

3. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Center of Life Sciences

4. Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry

5. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


The soil actinobiota of various climatic zones are a rich source of bioactive natural products, including novel drugs. A complex of soil actinomycetes in the upper horizon of the grumusols (Vertisols) on the western coast of Lake Kinneret in the vicinity of Tiberias (Lower Galilee, Israel) was studied. The screening of the antagonistic activity of 26 isolates using on a dual reporter system revealed the bacterial strain 3IZ-6, which had the ability to inhibit protein synthesis. Strain 3IZ-6 was assigned to Streptomyces rochei by polyphase taxonomy approach. The active substance of S. rochei 3IZ-6 was isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction and HPLC. Toe-print analysis and mass spectrometry data allowed to establish, that active compound is a known inhibitor of protein biosynthesis, borrelidin. S. rochei 3IZ-6 can be used as a producer of borrelidin in biocontrol against phytopathogens and weeds.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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