1. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
2. Ufa Institute of Biology UFRC RAS
3. Lomonosov Moscow State University
This literature review analyzed more than 100 publications on soil erosion in the Central Russian Upland, one of the most erosion-prone regions of Russia. The selection of scientific papers was carried out from open web resources, domestic and international citation databases. The following parameters have been analyzed: time; geographical position; scale and methods of research; soil and geomorphological features; anti-erosion measures; type of erosion and rates of soil washout/accumulation; bibliographic information about the publication. There is a shortage of studies at the small-scale and medium-scale levels. The confinement of large-scale studies to the main watershed of the Central Russian Upland was revealed. There are discrepancies in the estimates of soil erosion by different authors, especially at different scale levels. An analysis of changes in soil erosion over time indicates a decrease in the rate of soil erosion in general on the Central Russian Upland, mainly due to climate change and a reduction in the area of arable lands. A lack of studies of rainfall, mechanical and wind erosion of soils in this area has been revealed.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Reference119 articles.
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