Europe in the crisis world: pressing issues, unobvious solutions


Khudoley Konstantin Konstantinovich1


1. Saint Petersburg State University


The article analyses the main trends in the development of modern Europe in the context of the world crisis and the profound transformation of international relations based on the collective monograph “Europe in a Crisis World” edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Al.A. Gromyko. A wide range of problems is considered, including Europe's place in the emerging new balance of power in the world and the strengthening of decentralisation and regional integration processes, the strengths and weaknesses of the European strategy to counter the coronavirus pandemic, the new configuration that has emerged in Europe due to Britain's withdrawal from the EU and the development of integration processes in the post-Soviet space. A particular emphasis is given to the complexity and contradictory processes in Europe's economic and social spheres, calling into question the likelihood of deepening integration within the EU. The problems of European security and the prospects of relations between Russia and the West, including European associations and states, are considered separately.


The Russian Academy of Sciences







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