Challenges to freedom of religion or belief in the European multicultural context (the case of religious education)


Miroshnikova Elena Mikhaylovna1


1. Leningrad (Pushkin) State University


The article analyses a new perspective to the religious factor in the public sphere on the example of religious education in public schools, suggested by the international Research Project Atlas of Religious or Belief Minorities Rights in the EU. The author underlines the high level of the theoretical, methodological and practical research of the Project Atlas. The article aims to outline the main trends, innovations and perspectives of the religious education in public schools, using the results and recommendations of the Project Atlas. To achieve this goal, the author examines 4 clusters: the diversity of models of the religious education, how R/B education is provided, the right to be exempted from the R/B instruction, manifestation of Religion/Belief at school: religious symbols, religious holidays, dietary requirements. It is revealed that the recommended approach to provide all minorities the right to teach their religions and beliefs in public schools creates new issues in the context of multiculturalism in terms of the legal status and practical curriculum. The author emphasises the benefits of the non-confessional model proposed by Culture and Religion Studies, within which cultural and religious diversity can be maintained and can flourish for the common good.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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