New Possibilities for pp-Cycle Solar Neutrino Registration by Use of Indium Detector


Barabanov I. R.1,Bezrukov L. B.1,Gurentsov V. I.1,Novikova G. Ya.1,Sinev V. V.1,Yanovich E. A.1


1. Институт ядерных исследований Российской академии наук


Low background segmented liquid scintillator detector, doped with an indium as a target for solar neutrino registration, can be used for measuring total solar neutrino spectrum including pp neutrinos.A detector consisting of small modules filled with liquid scintillator in the volume of 1–2 L is considered. Silicon matrices are used for light collection. The background of indium beta-activity is suppressed bytriple coincidences. The detector of such a type can measure 7Be neutrino flux


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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