Changes in the Global Water Exchange by the Results of Historical Experiments on Climate Models under CMIP-6 Project


Dobrovolskii S. G.1,Yushkov V. P.1,Solomonova I. V.1


1. Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333, Moscow, Russia


Long-term (up to 165 years) series of globally averaged values of the main water exchange components, obtained as the result of historic experiments on several dozen (from 34 to 41) climate models of CMIP-6 project, are analyzed. The examined characteristics include variations of evaporation from ocean surface, precipitation over the ocean, effective evaporation from the ocean (total horizontal moisture transfer in the atmosphere from the ocean to land), and total model river runoff from the continents. It is shown that the model precipitation over the ocean effectively filters out the monotonic positive trend in evaporation from the ocean and, therefore, increases the stationarity of the total chain of global water exchange, including long-term changes in the global river runoff.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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