1. Kutafin Moscow State Law University
The current version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a number of defects of a technical, systemic and criminal-political nature. This is not enough to adopt a fundamentally new Criminal Code, because the current state of Russian society does not require changing the conceptual foundations of criminal legislation based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When preparing a new version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to carry out a complete revision of its General and Special parts in order to identify and eliminate defects, modernize the norms of Military Criminal Law in accordance with the principle of full codification of criminal legislation, and resolve the issue of recognizing or denying the death penalty as a type of criminal punishment by constitutional and legal means. According to the author, the actual ban on the use of the death penalty was carried out by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation incorrectly.
The Russian Academy of Sciences