Russia in the new geopolitical realities: the legal vector of civilizational self-determination


Lapaeva Valentina V.1


1. Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Modern geopolitical realities are determined by two key factors – the geopolitical crisis and the exponential nature of technological progress. At this historical stage, both of these factors together determine the division of the global world into techno-economic blocks. The inevitability of some form of block confrontation in the medium term does not negate the possibility of future legal development based on the principle of formal equality between States. The theoretical model of such development in Russian political science is represented by the essentially legal concept of the multilateralism of the world order, which is fundamentally different from the power model of multipolarity. The possibilities of Russia’s legal development as a sovereign state so far depend on success in finding allies in the bloc and on what scientific, technological, economic and spiritual baggage the country will enter into such a union of states. The competitive potential of each block will be determined both by its technological might and by the special value-normative complex that has developed within it, which will reflect the spiritual unity of the peoples united in such a union. At the same time, the civilizational values that form the basis of such a “soft power” should not only be expressed at the level of theories, but also presented in the practice of building new models of socio-economic and political-legal structure capable of introducing technological development into the legal mainstream.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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