Development Dynamics of the Almond Willow’s Shoots on Different Levels Atmospheric Moisture


Afonin A. A.1


1. Bryansk State University


The article provides an analysis of the modern trends in the rational use of fast-growing shrub willows. The almond willow (Salix triandra) is considered a source of wicker for weaving, as well as a species performing important ecosystem functions. The purpose of the research was to identify the influence of uneven precipitation distribution on the growth and development of the S. triandra shoots. The test site had a genetically aligned model inbred-clonal population of S. triandra. One-year willow saplings grown from unrooted cuttings were chosen as a study material. The development dynamics of S. triandra shoots was studied in four clones and in two different years with excessive moisture. The second year of observations differed from the previous one by an excess of precipitation during the cuttings rooting. Under experimental conditions, the maximum length of annual shoots was 210–220 cm, regardless of the year of observation. The cyclicality was determined in the shoots’ daily growth’s variations. The full seasonal development cycle of shoots includes four multi-day cycles. The second and third multi-day cycles are characterised by the greatest daily growth of shoots in the first half of summer. The maximum daily growth in both years of observation was 4.1–4.9 cm/day and occurred in early summer. The spring and late summer daily growth of most shoots did not exceed 2.3–2.7 cm/day. In the second year of observation, the late-summer daily growth (on average 1.9 cm/day) was slightly higher than in the first year (on average 1.6 cm/day). The synchronization of the shoots development in the beginning of summer was revealed, regardless of the year of observation and the clones’ factor. Excessive moisture during the rooting of cuttings lead to a shift in the peak values of daily growth at a later date. Against the background of an uneven distribution of precipitation, the influence of the clones’ factor on the seasonal dynamics of daily growth was revealed. When studying the growth and development of shoots in S. triandra clones, it is necessary to take into account the uneven distribution of precipitation in the first half of the vegetation period.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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